

+39 0143 642998 broglia.azienda@broglia.it Visit the website

Founded in 1972

Based in: Piedmont

Producers of: Gavi

@ brogliagavi


The company Broglia is located at the Tenuta La Meirana, a thousand-year-old name that can be traced back to the dawn of the history of Gavi.

In fact, as is clear from the document kept at the State Archives of Genoa, the name Meirana is mentioned in a lease, dated 972 AD.

It is a coincidence that a thousand years later, in 1972, Bruno Broglia bought the estate.

The Meirana is still located in the heart of this territory and is the oldest name linked to it and, with its 70 hectares joined to Cortese monovitigno, the largest property of the denomination of Gavi.

Even today their foresight of the Broglia family is rewarded: the Broglia company is recognized as a reference company of the territory and synonymous with high quality.

Hero Products

Gavi Bruno Broglia 2016

Gavi Bruno Broglia 2017

Gavi Vecchia Annata 2015